
Non-Emulsifier Surfactant

We offer a type of surfactant called a non-emulsifier product to reduce the surface tension between crude oils and water during the hydraulic fracturing process. Emulsions clog the wellbore and reduce the flow of oil, thereby reducing efficiency of your well. Our higher-level non-emulsifiers decrease the energy required to inhibit emulsions and function across an extensive range of PH conditions.

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AceSurf 118
AceSurf 118 is a nonionic surfactant flowback aid that reduces surface tension to less than 30 dynes/cm. This propriety surfactant blend reduces surface tension and is designed for various stimulation operations to enhance oil recovery.

NE-227 is a nonionic non-emulsifier formulated to prevent the emulsion of crude oils. NE-227 performs well in medium to heavy crudes. It is water-based, non-flammable, and non-hazardous. This propriety surfactant blend reduces both surface and interfacial tension and is designed for various stimulation operations.


ME-350 is a low surface tension, nonionic micro emulsion surfactant that efficiently prevents emulsion interaction between fracturing fluids and hydrocarbons. This product will alter formation wettability to optimum ranges for hydrocarbon production.


MCS-376 is a low surface tension, non-emulsifying, micellar surfactant used to prevent water blockages, enhance formation wetting and prevent emulsion of crude oils. It quickly breaks oil and water emulsions and improves flow back of stimulation fluids. In acidizing applications, the break between the spent acid and oil is complete in 3 to 5 minutes resulting in bright oil and clean water.